What To Do When Your Child Complains

(from 1 Minute Parenting Insights published on Decoding Your Child Facebook Page on 21 Sep 2016)

Think back of a time your child complained to you about his day, or friends, or teachers. What did you do after you heard his complaint?

Did you tell him he was over-reacting? Or tell him to suck it up? Did you cast doubt on his interpretation of the incident? Or did you offer a solution or strategy on how to solve the problem or prevent the problem from occurring again?

Now think back of a time YOU complained about something or someone. How did you feel when someone told you you were over-reacting? What if they had told you to suck it up. Or if they doubted your interpretation of the incident? Or if they offered you a solution or strategy?

Did you feel good? Did you feel heard? Did you feel understood? Say the solution they had offered made absolute sense. How motivated were you to adopt it?

Many times, our children complain to vent, just as adults do. They are not interested in solutions. Nor are they interested in hearing whether they interpreted the situation correctly or not. They just need to vent. Period.

And like an over-inflated balloon, we need to let them deflate, otherwise they will explode.

It is only when we allow the hot air to be let out and the children are no longer bristling that they become more receptive to thinking about solutions.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating that we raise a generation of whiners. Instead, what I am suggesting is that we be interested, truly interested, in what our children have to say about why they feel the way they do. It is when they see we are interested in them that they be willing to open their hearts to us, that they will be more open to embrace our guidance.

Complaints are a pain. Absolutely. Listening to them is a drudgery. But they are also wonderful opportunities for us to connect with our children, to tell them we feel them, to acknowledge their feelings. It’s also a wonderful opportunity for us to gently show them how they can take responsibility for whatever that happened instead of laying the blame on others and playing the victim role.

Of course this teaching need to be handled extremely sensitively for there’s no surer way to turn someone against us as telling them they were at fault when they are in the “complain” mode.

In any case, when our children feel heard, we would have succeeded in establishing a connection with them. Our relationship will deepen because they will trust us more. And together, parents and children will be able to work together to achieve greater success.

Be willing to listen and slow to judge or offer help.

Happy Parenting!

What Punishment Does

(from 1 Minute Parenting Insights published on Decoding Your Child Facebook Page on 15 Sep 2016)

The whole idea of punishment is to stop a particular misbehaviour.

Punishment is a quick fix method to address a symptom, much like popping a painkiller to stop a headache instead of figuring out what is causing the headache (dehydration, fatigue, excessive noise, etc) in the first place.

Sure, a painkiller can stop the headache. But if the underlying cause is not addressed, the headache could come back once the analgesic wears off. It might even come back with a vengeance and bring with it a whole host of other problems simply because the dehydration or fatigue or whatever it is causing the headache has triggered a stronger response from the body.

However, if we take the time to find out why there is a headache and address the underlying cause, we would solve the problem at its roots and the headache will disappear for good.

Likewise, misbehaviour is a symptom. A child may act out because she is hungry, tired or over-stimulated. A child can get into a fight because he is bullied, provoked into it, or frustrated because of something else. While fighting should not be encouraged, punishing the child without understanding why he misbehaved breeds resentment and detachment.

Punishment will in no way foster cooperation from the child. Neither will it elicit a willingness on the part of the child to behave. Instead, it teaches the child to weigh the punishment against the misbehavior. He may end up choosing to misbehave either because the punisher is not around, or because he no longer fears the punishment.

All it teaches him is that should he want to misbehave, he should do it where or when he won’t get punished.

So instead of punishing our children, it will be more productive to find out what caused them to act out and address the root cause.

Be quick to understand, slow to punish.

Happy Parenting!!

5 Strategies To Be Positive


Has your child ever expressed negative attitudes when doing something? How do you help him or her change that attitude and become more positive?

My husband and I brought the family to Bukit Timah Hill on National Day. At only 164 metres high, it is not a high hill to “conquer” but the climb is steep at certain stretches. 10 minutes into the hike, we met with the first steep ascent. C, my soon-to-be 12-year-old, started dragging her feet up the steep slope. She had a litany of complaints.

“It’s too hard.”

“I’m too hot.”

“My legs are tired.”

“I’m sweating like crazy.”

“Can I stop now?”

“I don’t want to do this any more.”

It went on till we reached a rest point. She was almost in tears and we were not even a quarter of the way through our hike yet.

Turning Point

I stopped at the rest point with C while her brother and her daddy, who was carrying her 3.5year old sister, checked out a split in the road. While they were away, I had a talk with C.

The boys came back 15 minutes later and we carried on to the summit, taking a long detour to explore a new trail. The rest of the hike took us almost 2 hours.

Instead of sulking her way for the rest of the 2 hours, C bounced off with energy and enthusiasm. No longer dragging her feet, she raced up the hill with her brother and waited for us at the next rest point.

“What took you so long?” she grinned.

I praised C for her positive energy and told her I really liked the change in her attitude. I asked her how she felt.

“I feel great,” she replied happily. “This is fun!”

And she maintained that enthusiasm all the way, leapfrogging ahead to the next rest stop and waiting for us to catch up. As we were heading back towards the car, she said to me, “Mom, I really enjoyed myself.”

How did my girl switch from being teary-eyed at the beginning of the hike to being all smiles at the end of it?

How did “I don’t want to do this anymore” become “I really enjoyed myself”?

What had inspired her change in attitude?

We Choose How We Want To Feel

“It’s all in our heads. We choose how we want to feel.”

That was the gist of what I had told her in the 15 minutes the boys were away.

We could choose to focus on all the negative things about the hike, like the heat, the fatigue and the mosquitoes. We would then justifiably feel absolutely miserable.

Or we could choose to focus on the positive things about the hike, like us spending time as a family getting some exercise. And we would feel happy as a result.

It all boiled down to our choices we made in our heads.

I acknowledged it was easier said than done. But I gave her a few strategies to do the switch.

Strategy 1: Find A Role Model

All of us were on the hike together. All of us were going up the same hill in the same weather. Her daddy was carrying her little sister on his back. Obviously he was feeling warmer than the rest of us. Obviously he was exerting more energy and most likely feeling more tired than the rest of us. Yet he remained upbeat and positive. Why? What could daddy be thinking of to keep himself upbeat?

Could daddy be her role model on staying positive?

Strategy 2: Find A Motivation

We would be heading for lunch after the hike. What could she look forward to? A sumptuous lunch? A nice cold dessert?

Was there something that could motivate her to push on?

Strategy 3: Make It Less Painful

She did not have to enjoy the “ordeal”. But she could make it less painful by focusing on the good things, no matter how little that might be.

If the prisoners of war in Auschwitz could find something positive to stay alive for, there was nothing stopping us from looking at the bright side of things during this hike.

What could she do or think of to make the hike less painful for herself?

Strategy 4: Focus On The Gains

Everything worth doing required some level of effort. But if we focused on the gain, we would see that the effort was worthwhile.

In this instance, the perspiration that was soaking our clothes served to cool us down. The ache in our muscles was a result of our muscles growing and strengthening. It was also helping us strengthen our bones. The breathlessness and strain in climbing made our hearts stronger so our circulatory system would be more efficient.

What gains would she like to focus on to help her continue with the hike?

Strategy 5: Determine The Memories We Want To Create

In everything that we do, we are the ones who decide what kind of memories we want to create. If we decide we want happy memories, we will do all we can to make the memories happy. We can do likewise if we want to create unhappy memories.

What kind of memory would she like to create for this hike?

The Cycle of Positive Thinking

Many people are not aware that they have a choice to decide what kind of memories they want to form. Those who are aware tend to choose to create happy memories. They will embark on anything they do with that attitude and mindset.

Both positive and negative aspects are present in every situation that we find ourselves in but we get to choose what we want to focus on which in turn determines how we feel.

Attitude Focus Feeling Cycle


The attitude we have going into any activity determines what we will focus on. What we focus on will create the feelings that we have. That in turn reinforces the attitude that we have.

So very simply, if we are positive, we focus on positive things which creates positive feelings and that reinforces our positive attitudes which help us continue focusing on positive things.

That is the cycle of positive thinking and that is the cycle that positive thinkers get themselves into.

Make A Choice

“All of us have a choice of how we want to feel, and you do too,” I had said to her.  “You decide.”

1) Find A Role Model:
Could daddy be her role model on staying positive?

2) Find A Motivation:
Was there something that could motivate her to push on?

3) Make It Less Painful:
What could she do or think of to make the hike less painful for herself?

4) Focus On The Gains
What gains would she like to focus on to help her continue with the hike?

5) Determine The Memories We Want To Create
What kind of memory would she like to create for this hike?

By the end of the 15 minutes, C made her decision. She chose to adopt a positive attitude. The rest of the hike was an enjoyable experience for her.

The best thing was because she decided to be positive about the hike, it helped the rest of us maintain our positivity as well. As a result, ALL of us had fond memories of that hike.


We are all capable of making the switch. As long as we are conscious of the decisions that we make, of how our attitudes affect what we focus on and how we feel, it becomes easier for us to engage in positive thinking.

If C could do it, so too can the rest of us.

Which of the 5 strategies would appeal to you and your child?

– Vivian Kwek –









Raising Independent Children

This past month has proven to be an extremely busy month. I have spent so much time away from my children that suddenly I see how much they have grown. My teen and tween have impressed me with their ability to get things done without my telling them. Even my littlest who just turned 3.5 years old has surprised me with what she can do.

In this post, I will share a little on how we can help our children whether they are preschoolers or teenagers be the independent beings they were meant to be.

Independence Is Inborn

I have been a stay-at-home mom ever since my first child was born more than 14 years ago. I know I am very blessed to have had the option of staying at home. For me, being a mom means wearing many different hats and playing a wide variety of roles. From Day One, I told myself that my job as a mom was to work myself out of my caregiving role.

Contrary to what many believe, I do not feel that independence is something we train our children to be. Children are BORN to be independent. If you have preschoolers, you will know what I mean. They want to do things themselves. They want to brush their teeth, put on their shoes, zip their jackets, button their shirts etc, ALL BY THEMSELVES even if it takes them a million years to do it. Many a time they would disintegrate into tears when they cannot do it themselves and STILL they would refuse our help. Understandably, their demand for independence can drive us up the wall.

Independence Stifled in Preschoolers

What do most pressed-for-time parents or caregivers do with their preschoolers struggling to do things themselves? Most of us would just do it for them. We end up feeding them, dressing them, putting their shoes on for them etc. We believe they are too young to do it themselves, and most of the time, they ARE too young to do it themselves.

Gradually, our preschoolers relinquish their desire to do things themselves and let us do it for them instead. That’s when they stop YEARNING and learning to do things for themselves. They start relying on others to help them. And we wonder why we have such reliant children and why they cannot lift a finger to do anything themselves. The reason, unfortunately, is because we have stripped the independence off our children by depriving them of opportunities to do things themselves.

How Can We Help Our Preschoolers Be Independent?

What then can we do? The answer is simple.

1) Empower them

Allow them to do things for themselves, even if it takes a much longer time or even if they cannot do it as well as we can.

The question I usually ask myself is, “Is this something I still want to do for my child when she is 5, 10, 15 years old?” If the answer is no (like brushing her teeth, giving her a shower, dressing her etc), then at the soonest appropriate moment, I will teach and let my child do it herself. And the best moment to teach is when she asks to do it herself.

Without fail, each of my 3 children had asked to brush his/her own teeth when they were very young. So I always had 2 toothbrushes for each of them, one for them to use, and one for me. As far as possible, I encouraged them to have their teeth brushed twice: once by themselves and once by me. That satisfied their need for independence and it satisfied my need to ensure their teeth had a thorough brushing. My preschooler now looks forward to brushing her teeth every morning and every night. She would grin from ear to ear after brushing to show me how glistening her teeth are.

Of course if I had brushed for her myself, the whole process would have been much faster. But I would have robbed her of her natural desire to pick up a new skill, to be a “big girl”. If I deprived her of her desire to be independent over and over again, she would grow up thinking either she is not capable enough to do anything for herself, or that it is easier for someone else to do things for her. Neither of these mindsets would serve her.

2) Accept the work they do

How well can a preschooler clean her teeth? How neat can a 4-year-old fold his laundry? How thorough can a 6 year-old vacuum the floor?

There are days my preschooler refused to let me brush her teeth. She feels confident that she has done a good job. And I let her be. I do not insist on brushing if she doesn’t want me to.

When my son was 4, he wanted to help me fold the laundry. So I showed him how. But being only 4, he could not line the seams up and so his clothes were never neatly folded. But I never refolded his clothes nor commented on how untidy his folding was. After all, he was only 4. Instead as he got older, I would show him how to line up the seams and his folding became neat and neater.

I did the same thing with my tween when she was 6. She was proud to help me vacuum the floor. But from the lines made by the vacuum cleaner on the carpet, I could tell there were parts that she had missed. Instead of telling her where she had missed, or taking the vacuum cleaner and doing it over, I praised her for helping me. And the NEXT time she vacuumed, I showed her how to manoeuvre the vacuum cleaner to make patterns on the carpet. Over time, her skill improved and she felt valued.

What I have strived to achieve was not perfection in the work they do at that young age. Instead, I wanted them to feel empowered, that their contribution mattered, that they were capable. These fueled their desire to continue helping and contributing. It also boosted their self-confidence.

If I had redone their work, or criticized their work, they would have felt demoralized, that they could never measure up to my standard. By and by, they would stop offering to help because they were never good enough. That would lead them to letting me do all the work and discourage them from being independent. Those were not prospects that appealed to me.

Drive for Independence in Teens

The good news is, even if we had unknowingly stifled our children’s independence during their preschool years, they have not given up innately. Like I wrote in a previous blog post, our teens are very much like preschoolers. Their need for independence peaks again during the teenage years.

They want to hang out with their friends. They want to have a say on what they want or do not want to do. They stop listening to us and the list goes on. Unfortunately, that is when we parents feel they are being “difficult” or worse, “rebellious”.

How Can We Help Our Teens Be Independent?

The teenage years are challenging. Sure, it is because our teens are now different from when they were younger. But it is also because our expectations of them have changed, and sometimes those are not aligned with what our teens can really do. So what can we do?

1) Respect them

The first thing we can do for our teens is to respect them. I assume we all love our teens. But respect is a little different, and probably more difficult to do. When we respect them, we will be more open to their views.

Respect is a two-way street. If we want our children to respect (not fear) us, we must first be respectful of them. Hearing them out is being respectful. Asking for their views and opinions is being respectful. Getting their input before making a decision that impacts them is being respectful. I could go on, but I believe you get the idea.

Our teens have come of age where they are learning to be adults. They are learning to assert themselves so their voices are heard, so their opinions are heeded, so their views are counted. We are providing the training ground for them to be assertive adults. We may not like the idea of them being assertive towards us. Yet, unless we want our children to be walked upon when they become adults, we need to be very mindful of our interactions with them at this age.

2) Provide guidance and let them make their own decisions

When we respect our teens, we can discuss issues with them and then trust them to make their own decisions. This is a skill our teens NEED. The younger they learn how to make proper decisions, the better it is for them. And it is our job as parents to ensure we give them enough opportunities to make decisions. Will our teens always make sound decisions? Obviously not. But they will learn. And we must let them learn. The good news is typically, the decisions they make when they are teens have far less serious consequences than the decisions they make when they are adults. And since they are going to make mistakes anyway, it is better they do it when they are younger and learn from there.

3) Teach them responsibility

When we allow our teens to make their own decisions, we are also teaching them to be responsible for those decisions. If we make all the decisions for them, it is very easy for them to turn around and blame us when things do not go well. By putting the responsibility of the decisions on their shoulders, we are training them to think of consequences, to work hard, and, if things mess up, to take responsibility.

Being responsible and accountable are important traits we want our children to develop. These traits need time to develop and groom. It is better our teens learn and take responsibility for small misjudgments they make when they are younger than having to face misjudgment with immense consequences when they grow up.


Independence is not something we train in our children. Independence is something we strip off our children when we do not allow them to do things for themselves when they are young and when we deprive them of making decisions for themselves when they are teens. Let us honour our children and trust their instinct when they seek to be independent. Let us give them the space when they want to stretch their wings.

They will take a longer time doing what we can do for them. They will make mistakes. But it’s ok. Let them do it anyway. It’s better for them to feel valued and trusted than invalidated that they cannot do it as well as we can. And it is infinitely better for them to learn from their mistakes when they are young than when they are adults.


How do you help your children be independent? Do share your journey with us in the comments below.

– Vivian –


When Children Show Signs of Depression


Has your child become more withdrawn or turned more aggressive and violent? Has he become increasingly whiny, clingy or dependent? Has he, on a regular basis, resisted going to school? Does he constantly complain of headaches or stomachaches?

If your answer to any of the above questions is “yes”, chances are your child COULD BE going through a depressive episode. Statistics show that about 1 in 5 children go through a depressive episode while growing up. Teens, unfortunately, suffer higher rates of depression compared to younger children.

Before we go any further, let us first understand what depression is and what this post aims to achieve.

What Is Depression?

Clinically, depression is a sustained depressed mood. It is not an occasional sadness or depressed mood that most of us feel from time to time. Most depression lasts between 7-9 months, though in some cases, it could last for years.

Depression is typically accompanied not only by a feeling of sadness, but also a loss of interest in most activities or a sense of unworthiness and/or guilt. In more severe cases, frequent thoughts of deaths/suicides occur.

The psychological state of depression is typically manifested physically as constant fatigue or physical aches, sudden changes in sleep patterns as well as sudden weight loss/gain. In severe cases, attempts at suicide are also committed.

This Post Does Not Offer Medical Advice

This post is NOT intended to offer medical advice on depression as I have neither the medical knowledge nor expertise to do that. Should your child suffer from prolong or severe depression, my advice would be for you to seek medical intervention for your child immediately.

If you aren’t sure if your child is suffering from depression but you feel that something is amiss, I’d strongly encourage you to seek medical advice nonetheless. It might well be the case that your child needs medical intervention and/or counseling. When it comes to the well-being of our children, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

So if I am not dealing with the medical intervention of depression, what then is this post about?

What We Can Do To Help Our Children

My aim is to share with adults (parents and teachers) strategies we can use when our children exhibit depressive symptoms, with the assumption that medical advice has been sought.  As the adults who have the most interaction with our children, both parents and teachers play significant roles in making or breaking our children.

Regardless of whether our children are going through a depressive phase or suffering from an actual full blown case of depression, there are many things we can do to support them. I believe that given the right support, our children can get out of that state more easily. So what can we do to elevate their feelings?

1) Show Them Love and Support

The first thing we can do is to show our children love and support.

Talk to them and let them know without a doubt that they are NOT alone. Many times, children feel depressed when they think they are alone in dealing with their problems, when they think no one cares, or when they feel unsupported. Letting our children know we are with them always, especially through bad times, is a significant boost to their morale and confidence.

Be available to listen to them and resist giving them advice. Let them work out their emotions and feelings, allow them to get things off their chests.

Just by being there for them, showing them we love them and that we will always support them will help them climb out of the darkness more quickly and easily.

2) Accept Our Children For Who They Are

Acceptance is key to letting our children feel they are worthy. They do not feel the need to be someone else. They do not feel they have to be perfect.

Accepting our children for who they are does not mean we just let them be and allow them to run wild without guidance. That would be irresponsible of us.

Instead, accepting our children means we love them with their strengths AND we love them with their limitations. It means loving them with their flaws and all.

As responsible parents and teachers, we can and should help our children gradually strengthen themselves and overcome limitations. But our children should at no time feel unworthy because they are imperfect.

Our love is not conditional upon them overcoming their limitations.

3) Reduce Stressors In Our Children’s Lives

Many times, especially when our children become teens, they encounter so much stress it becomes unbearable. It can be made worse if parents and teachers pile on so much expectations on them that the latter can hardly breathe.

When our children struggle to perform under stress and find themselves failing or not doing as well as expected, feelings of self doubt or unworthiness could creep up. Left to fester, it could lead to severe depression.

When we sense that our children are under too much pressure and they begin to show signs of depression, one of the best things we can do is to remove as many stressors as possible. That could mean reducing the number of enrichment programs or assignments. It could also mean laying off well-intentioned “scoldings”. It could also mean giving more free time for our children to relax and regroup.

As the Chinese saying goes, “Rest is necessary for a long journey.” There is absolutely nothing wrong with rest. It is ok to have free time throughout the day to idle and recuperate. We do not have to pack every single moment of our children with enrichment, practice or homework.

When we allow our children downtime daily, yes DAILY, they will be able to unwind and de-stress themselves. That way, any stress our children feel have a chance to dissipate and they won’t feel bogged down emotionally and psychologically. That will result in them have a better mental health and not be susceptible to depression.


Depression is on the rise amongst children, and more notably, in teens. As parents and teachers, we can do our part to alleviate the problem by showing unconditional love for, unwavering support to and total acceptance of our children.

When we are sensitive to our children, we will be mindful not to load them with excessive stress and we will be gentler in our interactions with them. When our children feel love, supported and accepted, they will thrive. And given enough breathing room, they will blossom.

Are you willing to give your children room to grow and bloom?

– Vivian –