Decoding Your Child™ Programs

Having researched and studied about the physical, psychological and emotional development of children since 2001, I have had the honour and privilege of speaking to many parents and sharing my knowledge with them.

Many of them have urged me to make my knowledge and expertise available to the public so that more parents can benefit.  As a result, I have authored the book “Decoding Your Child” as well as created this series of Decoding Your Child™ programs.

The underlying principle to all these programs is to nurture our children with love and empathy through understanding them.

If you are looking to understand why your children behave the way they do and what you can do to help them grow and develop to their fullest potential, you will definitely want to attend these programs.

Decoding Your Teen™ for Calmer Teen Years Seminar  (2 hours)

Decoding Your Child™ for Future Readiness Seminar (2 hours)

Decoding Your Child™ For Enhanced Cyber Safety Seminar (2 hours)

Decoding Your Child™ For Enhanced Cyber Safety for Families Seminar (3 hours)

Decoding Your Child™ for Effective Discipline Seminar (2 hours)

Decoding Your Child™ for Increased Cooperation Seminar  (2 hours)

Decoding Your Child™ For Superior Resilience Seminar (2 hours)

Decoding Your Child™ For More Loving Sibling Relationship Seminar  (2 hours)

Decoding Yourself for Success™ Teens Workshop (3 days)

Decoding Your Child™ 1-1 Insights Sessions (1 hour) 

I also create new programs based on needs of parents, schools and organisations.  Feel free to drop me a message if you have a topic you would like me to help with.

Or you can complete the form below and indicate the programs you are interested in having me conduct for your organisation.

Decoding Your Teen™ for Calmer Teen Years SeminarDecoding Your Child™ for Future Readiness SeminarDecoding Your Child™ For Enhanced Cyber Safety SeminarDecoding Your Child™ for Effective Discipline SeminarDecoding Your Child™ for Increased Cooperation SeminarDecoding Your Child™ For Superior Resilience SeminarDecoding Your Child™ For More Loving Sibling Relationship SeminarDecoding Yourself for Success™ Teens WorkshopDecoding Your Child™ 1-1 Insights Sessions (1-to-1 private sessions)Other New Topics to be Created

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