Decoding Your Child Book


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Are you facing challenges with your child’s behaviour?

Are you at a loss to get your child to cooperate with you?

Are you constantly frustrated with your child?

Would you like to spare the cane yet EFFECTIVELY discipline your child?

Decoding Your Child can help you

(i)   open the gateway to end power struggles,
(ii)  enjoy a peaceful and loving parenting journey with your child, and
(iii) help your child develop to his maximum potential.

Decoding Your Child will provide you with insights to why children behave the way they do. The book will also present you with EASY TO IMPLEMENT strategies to

  • Increase cooperation from children without corporal punishment,
  • Reduce the frequency and intensity of their tantrums and defiance,
  • Help children overcome depression,
  • Dispel disrespect and self-entitlement in children,
  • Enhance their motivation and perseverance,
  • Improve relationship between the children,
  • Eliminate lying,
  • Build strong connections in the family,

and many more useful tips and strategies.

About the Author

Ms Vivian Kwek is speaker, coach, author and teacher.  She fervently advocates for parents to build profound connections with their children, understanding that such bonds are crucial for their well-being and success. She believes that when parents stay connected, even the softest messages resonate, ensuring children feel heard and valued.

She is also a mother of three and has been researching since 2001 about parenting as well as the physical, psychological and emotional development of children.  She is highly passionate about sharing with parents the importance of building strong connections with the children for the well-being and success of the children.

Through her advocacy and expertise, Vivian empowers parents to create nurturing environments where children can thrive, navigate challenges, and reach their fullest potential. She champions the recognition of children’s rights, inspiring parents to embrace and address their children’s unique needs for holistic development.


This book is inspired by Ms Kwek’s family, friends and clients who have benefitted greatly from her advice and expertise in overcoming the challenges they faced with their children.


“Vivian and Juay Seng are wonderful parents not only because their children have developed admirably well but that they are so visibly committed to their loving nurturance.  Herein lies a treasure trove of practical wisdom for parents and would-be parents. And I heartily concur with Juay that had Vivian chosen to do her research in an academic setting rather than her loving home, she would have been a PhD and more.  Not only is she thoughtful in sharing her experience but she is gentle with her advice, granting readers ample encouragement to apply her guidelines in the unique contexts of each home.  I urge all committed parents to journey with Vivian through her book Decoding Your Child. – Dr Tan Poh Kiang, father of 2, General Practitioner

Decoding Your Child is a very straightforward, easy-to-read parenting book that is timely for Singaporean parents, homeschooling or not. Her information is dense but she’s managed to keep her chapters short and simple. Decoding Your Child does not wield the usual storytelling effect in non-fiction books we have come to expect, yet it motivates effectively, simply because the examples are relatable to us local readers. My mindset changed after reading the book. I’m a better person! The take-home for me : I want to highlight paragraphs, read it with my family and buy copies for my friends.” – Dawn Fung, mother of 3, Founder of Homeschool Singapore

Decoding Your Child is a must-have parenting guide for the 21st century. It is an insightful book that helps parents and teachers understand the psyche of the child. After reading the book, I feel less frustrated when my child “misbehaves” as I know that the misbehaviour stems from the fact that my child is having a problem. ” – Caline Tan, 10-year Educator with Ministry of Education and Author of Popular Children Book Series “Robozonic“

Decoding Your Child offers fresh perspectives to parents. The reflections Vivian share are sincere, and her tips very practical. Her words make me think about how I can be a better parent and person. Decoding Your Child helps me build a better connection with my children and spouse!” – Carine Ray, mother of 3, Homemaker.

“Great book! Just what I needed, a summary of researches plus real-life experiences all in a book. Glad I purchased this book. Thank you!” – Karen Wong



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