Decoding Your Child™ for Future Readiness Seminar

Thank you for your interest in Decoding Your Child™ for Future Readiness Seminar.

The world our children will grow up to when they become adults will be VERY different from the world WE grew up to.  The changes seem to be happening at breakneck speed with the emergence and common use of AI, of accessibility of previously inaccessible technology and the blurring of lines between industries.  How do we help prepare our children for a future that we have difficulty wrapping our heads around?

What Is Decoding Your Child™ for Future Readiness Seminar In A Nutshell?

The 2-hour Decoding Your Child™ for Future Readiness Seminar is filled with insights of what skills our children need to have to be successful in the “new” world.  The Seminar also provides strategies to help parents equip their children (as well as themselves) for a future that is fast evolving.  It will include a Question and Answer Session to help parents address their queries and incorporate the ideas and strategies presented in the seminar to their parenting toolkit. 

What Will Decoding Your Child for Future Readiness Seminar Do For YOU?

After the Seminar, YOU will

  • Get a glimpse of how the world is evolving
  • Identify the skills your children need to possess for future readiness
  • Gain strategies on how to support your children develop those skills
  • Learn how to re-establish connection with your children so they will listen to you.
  • Have your questions on preparing your children for the future answered.
  • Create a Future Readiness Planfor your family.

Final Words

Decoding Your Child™ for Future Readiness Seminar offers parents an insight on skills needed for the success of the children.  Parents will walk away from the seminar with a self-designed Future Readiness Planfor IMMEDIATE application.